Help us change the world!

Two happy Girls working together

GIRLSFORSTEMUSA INC. Partnership Program

Changing the world is not an easy thing, that is why we need your help. If you feel inspired by any of our projects and mission then consider partnering with us. We have three types of partnership programs.

Sponsor Partner Program

A sponsor partner is someone who supports our work financially but does not participate directly in our activities. A sponsorship allows us to continue producing high quality content without having to worry about covering all of our expenses. It helps us keep our costs low and gives us the freedom to focus on making great content.

If you don't want to be a sponsor partner but you want to support our mission, please click the button below to go to the donation page, otherwise scroll down to complete the partnership form.
Make a donation

Partnering Partner Program

A partnering partner is someone who participates in our events and/or activities as part of their own business model. For example, if you run a school or company and you believe in our message, you may decide to host a workshop at your place of employment or send students to our workshops.

You will receive recognition within your community and your employees will benefit from learning more about STEM subjects.

Advertising Partner Program

An advertising partner is someone who wants to promote their brand or product using our platform. We offer several options including:
Promoting your products via our website
- Creating a short commercial clip
- Sponsoring a hangout
- Advertising space on our channel
- Advertisements during our live streams
- Exclusive access to exclusive content
- Special offers
- Other ideas? Please contact us for details.

Please note that there are certain restrictions when it comes to advertising partnerships.

Education Partner Program

An education partnership is when we collaborate with schools and teachers to provide hands-on learning opportunities for students. Teachers use these resources during class time and at home. Students will gain knowledge and skills related to STEM subjects and career paths.
Ready to change the world?

Please Complete the form below

Partner Application Form

Girlsforstemusa values your opinion and we would love to hear from you. We usually respond within 12 hours.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
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